Night Terror

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There is a monster in the house. Nobody senses it but me.

It creeps along the floor as a malevolent shadow. I tuck my hands and feet inside my blanket cocoon. If the monster grabs hold, it will pull me beneath the bed and through the void to its world where untold terrors await me.

My blanket is an impenetrable shield knit by my grandmother out of yarn, love, and magic. It is my greatest protection.

The monster is in my room.

It slithers ever closer. Its hot breath brushes my face. I yank my blanket up over my head and quiver. Fear steals the air from my lungs.

A hesitation. There is no gap in my defence.

The monster leaves.

I am safe.

Until tomorrow night.

If you enjoyed this flash fiction and want to read more, check out my other stories Switched and Newborn.

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