I’m With You

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The girls met at the end of the dark hallway. “Having second thoughts?” Lydia teased, because Averie looked nervous.

Averie shot Lydia a quick smile. The moonlight shone through the window and gleamed against her dark hair. “Of course not. I’m with you.”

Lydia smiled and took Averie’s hand. Together the girls crept down the unlit stairwell to the first floor landing. Stifling giggles, they crept out the back door into the star-filled night.

Across the yard was a storage shed. The girls laid on the roof and stared up at the sky. Averie rested her head on Lydia’s shoulder as Lydia pointed out every constellation she knew. “There’s Orion, see? And that’s Cygnus.” As she spoke, she pointed with her free hand. The other was holding Averie’s.

The girls fell silent as a shooting star cut a burning path across the sky. Lydia held her breath and made a wish as the star vanished.

All too soon, Averie sat up. “We should head back.”

As they trudged back to the dorm, Averie squeezed Lydia’s hand. “You’ll write to me when you go home for the summer, won’t you?” It was mere days away.

Lydia squeezed back. “Of course.”

Check out some of my other flash fiction, such as Ending or Farewell.

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