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My mother’s nails dug into my arm as she yanked me from the faerie ring. She dropped me to my knees on the grass as she paced and raged. I watched her red face and heaving chest as she scolded. “I told you to stay away from the faerie rings!” It was an old argument. “The faeries will take you, and how will I get you back?”

“The faeries do not give people back,” I said, dusting off my knees as I stood.

“Yes!” Her hands arced in the air. “So you do listen! But do you obey?”

The answer to that was obvious. “She wanted to go.”

The colour drained from her face as she gazed into my eyes, realizing for the first time my mole was on the wrong cheek. This time it was she who fell. I smiled as I bent over her, my teeth so much sharper than hers. “She did not want to be your daughter. But I do. We will be quite happy, will we not?”

Her body trembled when I wrapped my arms around her, but that was all right.

The girl promised that she would come around.

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If you enjoyed this and are looking for something longer, you might enjoy my stories Poltergeist or My Home is my Castle!

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